Exploring Student Motivation in Integration of Soft Skills Training within Three Levels of Computer Science Programs
Published in ACM SIGCSE TS, 2024
In computer science education, cultivating soft skills alongside technical competencies is increasingly recognized as crucial for successful careers in industry and research. However, integrating soft skills training into curricula often remains a secondary consideration, separate from the primary program delivery or managed by a separate unit within the university. In this paper, we present three comprehensive curricula that intertwine soft skills within academic training for three distinct tiers of computer science education: undergraduate, master’s, and professional levels. We identify common intrinsic motivations that we found most impactful for learner success within these programs, and present a detailed exploration of each program’s curriculum and goals. By highlighting effective strategies and potential pitfalls, we offer valuable insights into harnessing these motivational drivers to enhance student engagement and learning. Furthermore, we outline emerging opportunities and challenges within the integrated curricula, inviting discussion on the broader implications for computer science education.
Paper available here